Our clients recovering from serious debilitating injuries need help so that they can live their best life possible. Individualized Funding Resource Centre Society is here to help them find the best independent living option in BC that will give them control over who assists them with their medical treatments, where they recover, and how their personal care is all coordinated to meet their individual needs.
Who Is IFRC ?
The Individualized Funding Resource Centre (IFRC) Society in a non-profit organization which provides services and supports to people with disabilities throughout British Columbia. Paul Gauthier, Executive Director, is a founder of the Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) program and created the IFRC to help people to not only access the program but empower them to become successful employers and have the best independent living option in BC possible.
As a CSIL Employer himself, Paul has real insight into the challenges faced by people transitioning to the CSIL Program. He and the IFRC team support, provide solutions and are ready to accompany people on their journey. Paul Gauthier is also an Executive on the Association of CSIL Employers (ACE); a group of CSIL Employers who work collaboratively with the Ministry of Health and the Health Authorities around the CSIL program.
The Process
Applying for CSIL, one of the best options for independent living in bc, and preparing for a physical assessment, can be a daunting process. IFRC helps clients prepare the application documents and create detailed Supportive Lifestyle Plans; which is an impactful, and meaningful document outlining the individual’s care needs.
Being a CSIL Employer is like running a small business, with financial and staff management obligations which the IFRC can assist with. They also assist in budgeting the funding, planning for success, CSIL education and with managing home support hours. Their experienced guidance will also help you request more hours, or appeal decisions made by the Health Authorities.
Services Offered
The IFRC’s full cycle Payroll service is CSIL specific and ensures that the Health Authorities receive the required monthly financial statements.
IFRC fees are eligible expenses with the CSIL funding and the support with the CSIL Application process is at no charge when committing to future services. They are happy to review this with you in detail.
Wishart Brain & Spine Law
Wishart Brain and Spine Law has chosen Individualized Funding Resources Centre Society as part of our client resources. The skilled and experienced people you will work with have diverse abilities and understand your needs from a personal perspective and will help you find the best independent living option in BC.
It is inspirational to see how the IFRC helps those with lifetime disabilities or have acquired disabilities after having suffered a catastrophic accident, recognize that life goes on. IFRC is here to help you find the best independent living option in BC. There is opportunity to make your life the best it can be.
For more information contact the Individualized Funding Resource Centre Society at 604-777-7576 or toll free 1-844-604-7576 and ask for:
Paul Gauthier, Executive Director or
Chris Hofley, Director of Operations