General Practice

Wishart Brain and Spine lawyers recognize that being the victim of a personal injury can impact your personal life. In addition to personal injury law, we offer general practice law services.
Wills and Estate Law
Wills and Estates are not just for older people. Anyone who has any assets, regardless of how old they are, should have a will and power of attorney. Our clients often require additional care and help following an injury.
Often, people overlook other legal documents required by banks and doctors. While you recovery from an injury or illness, it is important to have:
- a power of attorney
- legal designation of someone you trust to make medical or financial decisions on your behalf.
Parents want nothing but the best for their children. A will makes sure that young children are looked after by the people you choose. It makes sure your children will have access to the resources they need. A will guides the people you entrust, to follow through on your wishes and dreams for your loved ones.
Family Law Services
Family law includes prenuptial agreements, separation agreements, custody arrangements, divorce, and changes to spousal support agreements. For some families’ life is always changing and the agreements you have made may no longer be suitable to your life today. If you need help with changing arrangements, payments and other family law matters we can help.
Employment Law
The Law in BC states that an employer has a legal obligation to accommodate an employee. Employee accommodations are necessary until it causes undue hardship for the employer. If you have suffered an accident or an illness that has changed the way you can perform your duties at work your employer must try to find a way for you to do your job or place you somewhere else within the company. Wrongfully terminated, constructively dismissed or that your employer has not adequately accommodated your job requirement is something we can help you with. Our general practice lawyer can review the compensation offered for any termination or early retirement packages.
Real Estate Conveyancing Law
We can assist you with all matters related to buying and selling a property including:
- Review of Contracts of Purchase and Sale;
- Acting for you in ensuring the legal transfer upon the sale of your home;
- Acting for you in ensuring the legal transfer upon the purchase of a new home or investment property;
- Assisting you in refinancing your property to draw upon equity in the event your injury or other circumstance has left you with a financial need;
Other Services
- Independent Legal Advice;
- Notarizations and Swearing of Affidavits;
- General Litigation Advice;
- Debt Collection and Demands for Payment;
- Small Claims Litigation.