CSIL Module 1 Introduction
CSIL or Choice in Supports for Independent Living – Module 1 explains how CSIL works. Essentially, CSIL is your own home-based business where you receive funds directly from your local health authority to manage all aspects of your personal home care support. Home care programs are set up by the Health Authority who determines your eligibility and number of hours of care you need. They inform another agency about your care and you wait for them to set up your program and provide you the schedule. CSIL eliminates the agency responsible for organizing and providing your home care support. You are in control.
Introduction to CSIL Part One
CSIL is a complex application process. Wishart Brain and Spine Law Team help their qualified clients through the 6-step application process. We will help you understand what is required, help you decide which application, and what to anticipate throughout the process. There are many benefits and things to consider before you start your application.
Some of the Benefits of CSIL
- Independent Living in your own home for as long
as possible - You are in control of
- Who provides your care
- When care is provided
- What equipment is required
- Where you receive care
- How care is provided and supported.
- Care in your home instead of at the hospital,
assisted living, long-term care or rehabilitation centers - Assisted living and long-term care options in
your home with your friends and family close
What to Consider
This program a personal business and you will assume all the rights and responsibilities of an employer including implementing a WCB program. Start up can be overwhelming for some people but for our clients at Wishart Brain & Spine Law we help. If you are not a client most bookkeepers can assist you through this process. A quick list of the basic requirements to consider:
- open a business with the Province of BC and
municipality - WCB, Employment Standards, and CRA Compliance
- open bank accounts
- hire, train and terminate/replace employees
- reference and training credibility checks for
employees and people entering your home who provide care - criminal reference checks
- payroll
- schedule care
- account for all funding received and report
monthly all expenses to your case worker on their remittance forms - remit payroll liabilities, T4’s, ROE’s, WCB and
any other employer forms to various agencies - purchase, rent, install equipment and supplies
- create an on call or emergency plan for workers
that quit or call in sick - operating insurance
- business licenses
- home suitability
Don’t let the list scare you. The CSIL workbook will walk you through this process step by step. It will take a few weeks to get things in place so if you have a start time for home care to begin please start the application process a few months in advance, learn what you will be responsible for and contact those agencies.
There are some wonderful advantages of working with the people you choose, at the times that work for you, and being at home, participating in daily home life with your family. If paperwork is not your strength CSIL will allow you to hire someone to do that for you. Remember you will learn as you go, and you do not
need to be an expert at anything to be successful you just need time and a willingness to learn.
This sounds right for me but where do I start?
If you are a client at Wishart Brain and Spine Law we can help. Contact your legal team.
Module 2 of this series discusses the application process.