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What Does the Rehabilitation Process Look Like After a Brain Injury ?

What does the rehabilitation process look like after a brain injury? Your brain is your most precious organ. After a traumatic brain injury, you’ll want to learn as much as possible about your brain injury and the recovery process. Each injury and recovery process is different. The Wishart Brain and Spine team is here to help with the legal process, access to recovery resources, community support and much more.

What to Expect During Recovery

When it comes to brain injuries, you have to keep in mind that the healing process can be lengthy. If you would like to read more about what the rehabilitation process look like after a brain injury please read the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) . It states that the most improvement typically happens within the first six months after a TBI, but recovery is different for everyone, and usually takes years and for some they may have symptoms for the remainder of their life.

Swelling is a typical reaction after a brain injury, and can cause confusion, trouble focusing or memory problems. These symptoms are normal. If you are concerned about what you are experiencing you should always seek medical help as soon as possible.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine., other complications during recovery, include trouble with bladder control, slow speech, trouble swallowing, reduced coordination, or a hard time dealing with emotions.  You may feel like you’re making progress one day, then feel like you are back at the beginning the next. Try not to be discouraged by setbacks. Your doctors will know how to adjust your care plan to help you heal as efficiently as possible.

Recovery Phases

Your brain is a complicated organ. There are multiple phases in brain injury rehabilitation that can take a long time to heal. Phases in the recovery process, according to the Brain Injury Association of America, are as listed:

  • Acute Rehabilitation. This first step in recovery after a brain injury is relearning the basics of daily living. Hospital professionals will train you and your caregivers while you are in the hospital. Nurses and other staff members will help reteach the patient how to dress themselves, eating, walking, using the bathroom, and other daily tasks. If the brain injury is severe enough, they will also have to reteach the patient how to speak.
  • Post-Acute. The second stage of recovery, after you have relearned enough basic skills, is at a transitional or residential rehabilitation facility. These facilities provide more intensive therapy to patients, so you can live as independently as possible after your injury.
  • Sub-Acute. This type of therapy is for those people who are not ready for intensive therapy at a rehabilitation facility.  They may be continuing to work on regaining some necessary skills. This type of rehabilitation can be in a skilled nursing facility or nursing home until they have developed necessary skills.

While in these different phases, you will have appointments with a variety of specialists.  These type of therapy you may receive includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychiatric care, speech therapy, and many other types of treatment in your recovery. Your medical team of doctors and specialists will work together to make sure that you have the best recovery possible.

Get Help from Wishart Brain & Spine Law

If you’ve experienced a brain injury, you have a long road of healing ahead of you. Your focus should be on your physical and emotional aspects of recovery. If you have concerns about your symptoms ask your doctors and medical professionals immediately. This article is not intended to provide medical advice. Wishart Brain and Spine Lawyers are here to help you get the financial and legal support you need as well. Wishart Brain & Spine Law in Vancouver can be your lifeline in this hard time. Our experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer will fight to get you justice. Contact us today to discuss your claim.